Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Depressing Day Inside

The weather here in "The Valley" has generally been pretty nice this winter, especially when compared with the weather up North. I played golf the last few days wearing only a short sleeve golf shirt, so I shouldn't complain.

But that nice weather came to an end this morning. It has rained all day long and the temperature only reached 58 degrees . . . so we stayed inside "The Bus" all day. I got caught up on some paperwork and Carole watched a series of old movies on the Turner Classic Movie Channel. It's kind of a depressing day.

We are making a list, and checking it twice, in preparation for leaving "The Valley" next Tuesday and heading over to Fort Myers Beach, Florida. I sure hope the weather over there is hot and sunny while we lay in the sand on the beach.

But for today, it's just "A Depressing Day Inside".

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