Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Real Furniture

Today we were able to fold up and store the card table chairs, thank God. Our new living room furniture, "Real Furniture", was delivered this morning. Our living room is pretty good size, 16' x 28', but Carole managed to buy enough furniture to fill it up.

I wonder what she will do with all of this furniture when we buy a new downsized villa, patio home, or condo. But for now, we have "Real Furniture" in the living room, which we can enjoy as long as we are home . . . and those hard uncomfortable folding card table chairs are put away . . . at least until we want to play cards.

It is nice during the day, but we need to locate our lamps which are in the storage boxes stacked in the basement. Until then, the light of the TV is our only light in the living room . . . so much for reading the paper after dark.

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