Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chicken on the Spit

When I bought the new gas barbecue grill, I bought a rotisserie attachment at the same time, but didn't install it initially. Then Carole suggested "Chicken on the Spit", so I quickly began attaching the rotisserie to my new grill.

I discovered that the bolt holes didn't line up well and I needed to make some modifications. I struggled with it to long, but when I got it completed and turned on the spit for a trial run, I found that the motor was defective . . . it didn't run at all!

We returned the chicken to the refrigerator and settled on fish for dinner last night instead . . . which really was pretty good.

The next morning, I repackaged the whole rotisserie and returned it to Lowe's looking for another model which would fit my new grill better. However, no other model was available, so I simply exchanged it for one with a motor that worked . . . and I tried it out before I even left the store.

Back at home, attaching the rotisserie the second time around was easier. Then I fired up the grill, and put the "Chicken on the Spit"! Sorry, but I was so excited basting the chicken I forgot to snap a picture of it. An hour and a half later, the chicken was done and we had a delicious dinner of barbecued chicken. It was wonderful.

I'm looking forward to using my new grill the next time.

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