Friday, May 8, 2009

Home on the Range

One of our neighbors has had a herd of Ankole Watusi cattle for many years. They have horns similar to the Texas Longhorn, but are an African breed. Generally these cattle are spread across the pasture grazing, but today, for some unknown reason, many of them were bunched together along the fence. Click on the picture to enlarge.

I was so surprised to see all of those horns sticking up in the air above the herd, I had to stop and take a picture. This is our country neighborhood, "Home on the Range"!

The real value in raising this breed is not in selling the meat, but selling the horns to Western Indian Tribes who use them in ancestral religious ceremonies. I am told the Tribes will pay quite a bit of money for those large horns. Sounds like a better investment than today's stock market!

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