Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New

When we sold or otherwise disposed of our "excess stuff" last year and put the rest into storage, a few things were neither worth selling nor worth storing, but still useful enough to not put out for trash pick-up. One of those things was an old gas barbecue grill, which we left set out on the back deck through the Winter.

It didn't improve any over the Winter.

We planned to buy a nice new grill when we moved to a new downsized villa, patio home, or condo. However, since we brought our furniture out of storage and back into the house, Carole has been after me to buy a new grill now without waiting for the house to sell or a new downsized home to move into.

I resisted as long as I could . . . but then she said she would buy me a new grill! So, before she could change her mind, off we went grill shopping. Of course, our first stop was at Smoke 'N Fire, the gourmet barbecue store. I drooled over many of their amazing grills with price tags from $1,050 to $8,900. Even though they had wonderful grills, it didn't take long to realize this store was not in our price range.

Our next stop was Home Depot where grills were more in our price range. I wandered through the grill display while Carole sat in a chair and watched. The selection was somewhat limited so we left for our third stop, Lowe's. Lowe's had a very large selection for me to review, so Carole decided to return to the Blazer as her hips were hurting.

It didn't take long for me to zero in on a four burner model with a side burner and a stainless steel lid, which was on sale for $299. In addition, I had a 10% off coupon from Lowe's. I then added a rotisserie and a cover, went to the Blazer, pulled up to the front of the store and watched them load it for me.

At home, I quickly unloaded and unpacked my new grill and started the assembly. Two hours later, Carole called me for dinner so I put off finishing assembly until the next day. The next day, I spent another four or five more hours putting all of the pieces together. It would have been much easier if the instruction sheet had been written by someone outside of China, but the job was finally complete.

So "Out with the Old, In with the New" . . .

I can hardly wait to fire this baby up and do some serious barbecuing!

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