Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting Off the Ground

Living in an RV offers a lot of flexibility in our lives but does have some limitations. One of those is storage space. It simply isn't possible to store all the "stuff" which can be stored in a house . . . yet we need a lot of the same "stuff" we needed in the house.

Living in an RV isn't all fun and games, travel and sightseeing. Cleaning and maintenance is still a necessary evil. Of course. some maintenance requires getting "off the ground" to repair items around the outside or, pardon the expression, wash windows. So, a ladder is a necessary item to have on hand. I've had several different types, but all were too large, too heavy, too cumbersome to handle, or too big to store in "The Bus".

I finally found the answer. A ladder that folds to only 3 x 4 inches and is just 7 1/2 feet long . . .

One that easily fits in the basement of "The Bus".

It's light enough to be handled easily and simple to set up.

First, unfold it sideways to reveal steps . . .

Then open it like a stepladder, 7 feet high . . .

The only disadvantage is I can no longer use the excuse "I can't reach the windows" when Carole says she can't see out anymore! She knows I can now "get off the ground".

Well that certainly put a damper on sightseeing today.


Linda and Doug said...

Hi Dean, Doug likes the way you demonstrated how you wash windows with your ladder so much that our coach is next in line. The blog keeps getting better and better.
Linda and Doug

Anonymous said...

Hi Dean and Carole, Rachel and Ralph here from Ottawa. Remember us, we met in Big Bend National Park! Sounds like you're doing great. We're happy for you. We're home for Christmas but heading back down to Florida in the New Year. Our RV is parked there until end of March. Must look in to that ladder!!!!
Cheers, Ralph and Rachel

brenda said...

Brrr, i'd ask you to come and do my windows too, but, the ground is to buried with snow for the ladder, and you and your toes would freeze. Getting hammered by "Mr. Winter and Deep Freeze here, and more to come. Have you ever thought about leaving your "day job?" lol. and go into commercials?
lol. love your blog.