Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Day at the Flea Market

The day was bright and sunny, but rather windy . . . gusting to 25 mph. So it was a good day to stay inside, or go somewhere out of the wind. One of the local Flea Markets sounded like a good place to get out of the wind, so off we went.

The Flea Market is under roof covering about four acres with lots of isles running every direction. They have everything imaginable there . . . and some things you wouldn't imagine. We had an enjoyable stroll being amazed at all of the stuff displayed. Of course, we had to pick up a "few things" while we were there.

From the Flea Market, we went across the street to the Farmer's Market and picked up a variety of fresh vegetables. The booths at the Farmer's Market are staffed by very interesting people. Of course, an ability to speak Spanish would help along with an egarness to haggle over the price!

After we returned from the Flea Market and the Farmer's Market, we grabbed a dish of bean salad Carole had prepared earlier and walked to the Rec Hall where a Pot Luck Dinner was scheduled. However, only one other couple was there and we learned the Pot Luck had been cancelled. The two of us could have had our own "pot luck dinner", but we had bean salad and they had baked beans . . . so we declined.

Instead we stopped at The Lounge, ordered a jumbo hot dog and a beer, which we called our dinner along with some of Carole's bean salad. Several residents at the bar also had a little bean salad with their beer and everyone thought Carole's bean salad was pretty good . . . but so much for the pot luck!


Linda and Doug said...

Your blog looks fantastic.

brenda said...

What a GREAT ideal! Hey, what's up with all the BEANS? lol

Meg971 said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time! So glad that we can keep up with what you guys are up to! Love you and can't wait to see your next adventure!!