Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Explanation and Apology

Sorry I have not been posting Blogs on a regular basis, but the wifi signal at our house in the woods had become very weak and erratic. When we returned home from traveling in the Spring, the trees were still without leaves, so picking up the wifi signal from our cooperative neighbor was easy. But then the trees grew leaves and blocked much of the wifi signal.

I have been writing drafts on Microsoft Word so I could post them when I was somewhere with a descent wifi signal. At first, I tried cutting and pasting to the Blog, but I couldn't figure out how to do that without messing it up . . . like ending up with different type styles, script, and other funny characters . . . such as in the posts titled "Triple Celebration", "Dean's 78th", and "Father's Day".

Since "cutting and pasting" didn't work well, I quit posting direct to the Blog and just kept entering draft blogs in Microsoft Word until I could get somewhere with a good wifi signal. Now that we are "on the road again", I will have access to wifi at a Public Library for awhile and I am trying to get caught up. That's why new Blogs are being posted in bunches.

Also, when I am caught up on the new postings, I'll try to go back and straighten out the three postings I messed up trying to cut and paste.

I apologize for all of the confusion.

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