Sunday, February 8, 2009

Texas Funk

Here in the Rio Grande Valley, it seems a "bug" is being passed around. It starts with a sore throat, then a raspy cough, a fever, and some then end up being sick at their stomach. Many of our friends and neighbors have come down with the "bug", whatever it is. Some just have the raspy throat and cough for a few days, but most have been under the weather for a week or more. This "bug" is affectionately referred to as the "Texas Funk".

I keep thinking I'm invincible, but every once in a while, I have a reality check. I caught the "Texas Funk" and it put me down for a couple of days.

Many who have caught the "Texas Funk" have made a run to Mexico where prescription drugs are readily available without a prescription and obtained a "Z-Pack", a strong antibiotic taken over several days.

I decided to take the natural cure . . . orange juice . . . and I was only down for a couple of days. I recommend lots of orange for the "Texas Funk".

Tomorrow, I'm up and at 'em again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PAPA!! you have a beard. i love it!!

jordan :)