Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Home Again

We made a leisurly departure from Terrible's Casino Campground and headed South on Interstate 35. But not very far before we stopped at a Country Kitchen so Carole could buy breakfast with her slot machine winnings. We had a great breakfast!

Back on the road, we pulled into our Kansas home in Morning Deer Valley at about 2:00 PM . . . in the rain . . . so we left "The Bus" set in the road out front with the Blazer still attached until the rain let up. We went in the house where Carole immediately began to talk about bringing our furniture back from storage. She said she wouldn't be happy until she had a "Home Again" instead of "The Bus" which she now calls "The Shoebox" (Who ever heard of a 40 foot shoebox?).

When the rain stopped, I unhooked the Blazer and backed "The Bus" into our driveway, where I plugged it into an electric outlet. Then I called the Moving & Storage company to arrange for our furniture and boxes of 'stuff' to be delivered on Monday. Then Carole should be happy!

Oh boy! Now we can vacuum and dust the entire house top to bottom as it has been setting unoccupied all Winter. Then I can play pick-up-sticks in the yard before I mow knee high grass.

It sure is nice to be "Home Again"?

1 comment:

Michelle Davis said...

I can relate to Carole - it's nice to have somewhere to put down some roots. I'm enjoying your blog, keep it coming...Michelle