The lighted decorations are spread over several city parks and around a number of city buildings. Their setup includes horse-drawn carriage and trolley car tours of all of the displays. We opted for the trolley tour.
The light displays are quite varied . . .
From a pirate ship . . .

From Cinderella's Coach . . . to Santa's sleigh and reindeer . . .

And they had an area titled "Christmas Around the World", which included the Eiffel Tower of Paris, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and a dragon from China.

They also had a number of wildlife images. Below are butterflies and a peacock . . .

. . . . plus a dinosaur . . . and a bear on ice skates!

In addition to the light images set up by the City of Hidalgo, several large homes across the street from City Hall also had massive displays . . .

But the biggest surprise of all was the home display with a Mooning Santa in the front yard! This Mooning Santa was electrically operated. He kept pulling his pants down, then pulling them up again. What will they think of next?

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