Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"A" Mountain

Tucson is located in a fairly flat valley in the Sonoran Desert, surrounded by mountains. However, near downtown is a mountain which has been used by Indians, the Spanish, Missionaries, Mexicans, and subsequently the U.S. Army as a lookout post. The whole valley can be seen from the top of this mountain called Sentinel Peak.
In 1914,  students at the University of Arizona constructed a large "A" out of rocks and mortar near the top of the mountain. The "A" is 70' wide and 160' tall. Although it was originally white-washed annually, students painted it red, white, and blue after September 11 as a patriotic gesture, but it is now an annual tradition for the Freshmen of the University to re-paint the "A" red, white, and blue, which are also the school colors. The "A" has not been returned to it's original white since 9/11, although it has occasionally been painted green for St.Patrick's Day. This mountain and the large letter "A" near the top is visible from downtown Tucson and "Sentinel Peak" has become known as "A" Mountain.

A road winds to the top of "A" Mountain where the view is awesome. You can see the whole valley from there, including downtown Tucson.

Arizona State University more recently created an "A" Mountain of their own in Tempe, Arizona, on Tempe Butte with their "A" painted gold, the school colors of ASU. Both schools now need to guard their "A" during the annual AU vs ASU football game as students of the opposing school try to paint the opponent school's "A" with their own school colors.

So now there are two "A" Mountains, the original in Tucson and a copy in Tempe.

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