Tents were set up for displays, a silent auction, T-shirt vendors, and food vendors, including hot coffee . . . but, alas, no hot chocolate . . . and no beer.
But the show was not on the ground . . . the whole show was "Up in the Air".
Participants came from all over the country. I'm not aware of any competition or awards, but I witnessed many demonstrations of single kite fliers working with "stunt kites" performing to music. They were amazing, like a ballet in the sky. They would set up their kite on the ground, then take-off when the music started and perform routines in time with the music.

The picture here is of the ten kites lined up on the ground just before takeoff. When the music began, they took off one by one following in line, then began acrobatics in unison in time with the music.
The pictures below show some of the stunts, follow-the-leader through s-curves and circles, dancing in formation, arranging in a circle, then "exploding" in all directions.

When you stop to think that each kite had four lines to it, the ten performing kites had a total of forty lines. How did the fliers keep from getting their lines all tangled up?

I just have to get one of those kites so I can get mine "Up in the Air".
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