Saturday, January 23, 2010

To Each His Own

I noticed an ad in the local newspaper for the 39th Annual Antique Show & Sale put on by The Women of St Alban's in Harlingen, Texas, which is about 25 miles from here. Carole is very "into" antiques, so on Saturday afternoon we jumped into the Blazer for the trip to Harlingen.

It was a pretty good size show with a large variety of antiques and collectibles, although I thought there was a preponderance of glassware, pottery and jewelery. Carole spends a lot of time at such shows "talking antiques" with the people there, which is over my head. I spend the time wandering around admiring the historic significance the of items on display.

Carole did find a set of eight demitasse cups and saucers which she couldn't live without . . . so she made her big purchase of the day. I don't know what she will use them for, but she's happy to have them. I told our neighbor they were shot glasses with handles, but Carole didn't think that was funny.

"To each his own."

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