Saturday, October 31, 2009

Surprise 75th Birthday Party

My brother, Ron, had his 75th birthday yesterday, on Friday, but his kids planned a "Surprise 75th Birthday Party" for him on Saturday, the following day, so more friends and family would be able to attend. The party was in a large meeting room at the Clarion Inn in Modesto.

Everyone was gathered in the room at 2:00 PM when Ron was escorted in by one of his friends. He was truly surprised! At the time, some were hoping his life insurance was paid up because it looked for awhile he might have a heart attack. His shock and surprise was caught on camera below (sorry, but a little out of focus).

Most of Ron's family were present. His oldest son, Tim, is on the left below, wearing a hat Tim's son arrived wearing. Tara, Ron's granddaughter is in the background peering out the front window looking for Ron to arrive. Carole and Pat, Tim's significant other, are on the right below.

Ron's oldest daughter, Holly, and her husband, John, were on hand pictured below. I think Holly was the principal organizer of the party. She had also prepared a slide presentation of Ron's life, which was very interesting and recalled a lot of memories.

Holly's twin daughters were there, Tiffani and her husband, Daniel Soares, on the left below. Tara and her husband, Derrick Aschwanden, on the right below.

Many of Ron's friends and relatives attended. His very good friends from Visalia, California, Jack and Donna Bailey are pictured below with Ron.

We enjoyed a variety of hors d'ouevres, appetizers and snacks, followed by a very nice dinner of beef or salmon as well as an endless supply of wine. Of course, there was also a birthday cake for Ron to cut, but without candles. I suppose the Modesto Fire Department wouldn't allow that many candles on a cake . . . but we did sing "Happy Birthday".

Ron's sister-in-law, Marge, and her son, Mike, and his wife, Michelle, were flying in from Fort Wayne, Indiana, but were not expected until 9:00 PM. We were all concerned how to keep the party going until they arrived, as Ron did not even know they were coming.

We had to abandon the meeting room where we had been gathered and moved into the hotel bar. Fortunately, Saturday was Karaoke Night, so we had a "reason" to continue the party. Finally at about 10:00 PM, an hour later than expected, the three arrived from Indiana.

Ron was surprised again when he saw them, Marge first as pictured on the left below. Later, Ron and Mike reminisced, as pictured on the right.

The party continued with music in the bar interspersed with someone singing along Karaoke style and lots of reminiscing by Ron with friends and family. We also were able to dance a little between Karaoke numbers. Ron is shown below dancing with his barefoot daughter, Holly.

We finally closed up the bar at midnight. Fortunately, most of us had a room at the hotel to spend the night, so we only had to walk down the hall to go to our room. But, even though the party was long and lasted late, everyone had a great time . . . most of all, Ron.

Ron must be very proud of his kids to have arranged this fine celebration allowing friends and family to share the day with Ron and help him to celebrate 75 years.

Happy Birthday, Ron! . . . and we wish you many more.

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