Thursday, October 29, 2009

California, Here We Come

The weather in Kansas continued to deteriorate, looking more like fall-winter every day. So it was with some relief that yesterday afternoon we boarded an airplane bound for California. "California, Here We Come"!

We were routed through San Diego where we changed planes for Sacramento. Our flight out of Kansas City left about 45 minutes late which gave us some concern about possibly missing our connecting flight as we only had a 35 minute layover.

Our Flight Attendant told us not to be concerned because our connecting flight knew we were coming. My thought was, "Ya! Right!" Sounded suspicious to me. However, in San Diego we walked briskly to our connecting gate and, as we approached the gate, the attendant asked if we were the Davis'; that all of the other passengers were already on board and as soon as our luggage was transferred, we would get airborne. Wow! What great service! I recommend Southwest Airlines.

The flight to Sacramento was a little bumpy as the pilot said we had a 150 MPH headwind. But we arrived in Sacramento almost on time at about 7:30 PM. We rented a car, and drove to Melissa Krallman's home, Carole's granddaughter, where we planned to stay for a few days.

Melissa's home is in Orangevale, California, a northwest suburb of Sacramento. We'll stay with Melissa until Saturday, when we plan to drive to Modesto, California, to attend a surprise 75th birthday party for my younger brother, Ron, which explains why I had to wait a few days before posting this blog.

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