Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Deer in the Yard

When I first moved to the country over 20 years ago, we constantly saw deer grazing or just wandering through the front yard. In the late summer, we frequently had four or five deer at a time eating apples under the apple trees along the driveway. Also it was common to see quail and an occasional fox trotting across the front yard.

Over the years as more houses have been built in the area and more people moved to the country bringing with them an increase in the number of dogs, many of which are allowed to run loose, the fox and quail have disappeared and we see fewer deer. So it is exciting when a deer occasionally shows up in our front yard.

A single doe appeared today and grazed in the grass out front for quite a while. Carole and I were setting in the dining room eating lunch when the deer appeared. What a pleasant way to spend lunch time . . . watching a deer casually grazing out front.

That's her near the center of the picture out close to the road. I sure wish I had a telephoto lens on my camera!

It's too bad we don't have the experience of watching deer very often any more . . . but I guess that's what civilization does . . . causes much of the wildlife to move deeper into the woods.

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