Monday, June 22, 2009

Dean's 78th

When we awoke this morning, Carole started the day wishing me a Happy Birthday . . . but then she pointed out that 78 was a lot of birthdays. I acknowledged that, but told her I was very happy to celebrate my 78th birthday . . . particularly when you consider the alternative.

However, the real celebration will be tomorrow night, so this morning I mowed the lawn, then went into town to get my free birthday car wash, run some fun errands, and returned home to put a flank steak on the grill, which we sliced thinly and put on top of salads for a really great steak salad.

Not a terribly exciting birthday, but thanks to God, at 78 I'm fairly healthy . . . and all the ladies tell me I don't look 78 (maybe they're thinking 77).

1 comment:

Linda and Doug said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!! (a little late) We think 78 is a wonderful number.
Linda & Doug