Monday, May 14, 2012

Laughlin AFB - OUCH!

We left Bottomless Lakes and the Roswell, New Mexico, area to attend the Graduation Ceremonies of Carole's grandson, Lt. Alek Krallman. Alek is in the U.S Air Force, has just completed Pilot Training at Laughlin AFB near Del Rio, Texas, and will receive his wings in Graduation Ceremonies this week.

After two days of driving, we arrived at Laughlin AFB and were met by immovable barrier posts at the West entrance to the base. The barrier posts were arranged such that an auto has to zig-zag through an obstacle course at slow speed to enter the base. The purpose, obviously, is a matter of security to prevent someone from entering the base at high speed . . . but these were designed for an automobile, not a 40' Motor Home with tow car behind.

Well, when I stopped "The Bus" for identification and inspection half way through the "obstacle course", the guard told me to pull on through the gate area and park on the right side of the road for further inspection. As I turned to the right to miss the last of the barriers, I heard a loud "crunch"! I was not yet clear of the middle barrier and scraped it on the side of "The Bus".


We made it to Laughlin AFB, but entry to the base sure hurt . . . another repair job when we get back home. The sad part is that those barrier posts are retractable. That is, the guard can just activate a switch in the Guard House and the barrier posts lower into the driveway flush with the surface . . . which the guard did for me AFTER I scraped the barrier. Thanks a lot, but too late!

From that nerve wracking experience, we drove to the Base Famcamp, an RV Park on the base where we have a nice location to park "The Bus" with full hookups, on a concrete pad, with a concrete patio and picnic table.

We plan to stay here for a week to attend all of the activities and ceremonies associated with the training and  graduation of an Air Force Pilot. Also, a dozen of Alek's relatives are here from the Pacific Northwest to share the experience. So it will also be sort of a mini-family reunion for a part of Carole's family.

This should be an exciting week in spite of the "OUCH".

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