Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spring Hill Fall Festival Parade

The nearby town of Spring Hill, Kansas, has an annual Fall Festival, which includes lots of displays, exhibits, food, performances, and, of course, a parade. Our church, Hillsdale Presbyterian entered a float and also had many members riding and walking in the parade handing out invitations to visit our church.

I had signs made for the doors of Carole's Sebring convertible and led the Hillsdale Presbyterian group in the parade. Some of the church members who could not walk the length of the parade route rode with me in the convertible and tossed candy to the kids along the way.

Nice looking car, huh?

The church float followed, a horse drawn wagon carrying a church replica, with bell, and several church members. Other church members walked behind the horse drawn wagon/float.

Those white draft horses were really beautiful animals.

It was a fun day . . . and our entry in the parade won first prize for the "Best Float"!

They didn't say anything about Carole's convertible . . . but she loves it. It's her baby.

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