Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dinner with the Girls

Carole has so many friends and relatives in the Elkhart area, we have a difficult time getting to see everyone, and when we do, it seems that it always involves eating . . . either eating "in" or eating "out". Tonight we were invited to eat "in" at Dianna Jackson's, a long time friend of Carole's. Also present were "Sis" O'Dell, Dianna's mother, who we have known for many tears, and Peggy Hann, a long time friend of Carole's. In fact, both Dianna and Peggy were vacationing with Carole in Florida five years ago when Carole and I met.

Dianna has a beautiful home with a gorgeous backyard in a very secluded setting and a really nice, very large back deck. A great place for a nice, relaxing get-to-gather. And so it was, as we were having a glass of wine and a few munchies on the back deck before dinner. Below, left to right, is Dianna, Carole, Peggy, and "Sis". I was seated in the foreground, except while I was taking the picture.

I had the honor of being the "grill chef" cooking steaks outside on the deck while Dianna prepared the rest of a delicious dinner in the kitchen. We all left the outdoors and went into Dianna's dining room to eat "in". It was a very relaxing and enjoyable evening . . . and it was especially nice to have "Dinner with the Girls".

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