We started our day with a breakfast of American fried potatoes (like Mom used to make) with scrambled eggs, toast and orange juice. After all . . . this is my birthday . . . even though we celebrated my birthday last Sunday.
After breakfast, we began the rounds of checking out area wineries. We spent so much time talking with the hostesses ( Carole likes to talk) at a couple of wine tasting rooms, that the morning got away from us quickly. All of the wineries had beautiful landscaping with lots of greenery and colorful flowers.

At lunch time, we drove downtown to a micro-brewery, but found they didn't open until three o'clock. So we stumbled into a coffee house for soup and a sandwich.
Downtown Prosser has a lot of old historic buildings, a wide main street, and a wonderful back drop of the surrounding hills.

After lunch, Carole had to look over a couple of antique stores . . . and spend lots of time "talking antiques" with the owners.

Following our "antiquing" (fortunately Carole didn't buy anything), we went to a couple more wineries.

We discovered we couldn't sample all of their wines . . . and they certainly had more that we could drink! We did pick up several bottles of the wines we liked best to take home with us for later.

The whole area around here is so pretty with vineyards everywhere. It was a beautiful, warm day in a very scenic area.

Even though this area boasts about being "Wine Country", we became aware that it is also the heart of apple and cherry country. In addition to the vineyards, there are numerous orchards. We saw a large cherry orchard with signs staying "Pickers Wanted". I thought about applying, but would probably eat more than I turned in to the grower.
We saw many large apple processing plants around the area. I was amazed at the giant stacks of apple boxes on skids waiting until the apples are ripe. The photo below is the "Tree Top Company" which make apple juice and apple sauce. Just look at that stack of apple boxes . . . and the size of the big juice tanks behind.

It has been an interesting day. This would be a wonderful area in which to live except they tell us that they have a lot of ice in the Winter. At least it is great in the summer.
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