My brother, Ron, and his family had planned a get-to-gather at his daughter's house on Sunday, so we drove to John and Holly's (Ron's daughter and son-in-law) and parked "The Bus" in the farm yard adjacent to their house in Waterford, California. Their house sets among the Almond Orchards, a really nice place for us to park.

We enjoyed a nice BBQ dinner and lots of conversation with Ron, his kids, his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren. Holly is shown on the left below in her kitchen preparing a dinner. John is shown on the right below looking out his living room window checking on wildlife in the almond orchard.

We enjoyed the family, John & Holly's hospitality, and the location so much, we ended up staying a little over a week. It was a very relaxing time and place . . . and, of course, the food was great too.
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