We went from Winter into Spring so abruptly here in Kansas that I was afraid Spring would be over quickly and I would suddenly find us in the middle of Summer. But, it hasn't turned out that way. "Spring is Still Springing".

As usual, first were the Bradford Pears, then the Redbuds, and then the Forsythia. Those early bloomers were beginning to loose their flowers and I thought Spring was over until one morning I walked out the front door to see Carole's Ajuga was in full bloom. Beautiful purple spires.

And then the lilac bush burst into color surrounding us with it's wonderful aroma.
I began looking around, and saw tulips in lots of different colors . . .

. . . and flower beds all over town bursting into brilliant color.

In John and Becky's (my son-in-law and daughter) front yard is a beautiful tree completely full of white blossoms . . . a truly awesome sight! It seems to have burst into flower almost overnight. I don't know for sure what kind of tree it is, but it certainly is proof that "Spring is Still Springing".
Spring is such a beautiful time. It's too bad it only comes once a year.
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